Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Three Days and Counting!

Oh my goodness... three days to the big event! I really never dreamed that 8 months ago when I began telling people of my the desires of my heart, that they would actually come to fruition. God is so good!

The big event? Our very first "Night Out!"

I feel like I should have started this blog months ago, but I didn't... so I will start where I am and explain as I go.

"Night Out!" is for families who have a child with disabilities or any special need. One night a month (usually the 2nd Friday) parents can bring their child with special needs (and siblings up to 12 years old) to the church for an evening of fun activities, crafts and snacks. The children with special needs will have a trained one-on-one buddy and the siblings will be in groups of 4 - 6 with a team leader. While all this is happening, the parents have the option of going out on a "date" and doing whatever they want for approximately 3 hours (as long as they stay in town), or if they wish, they may stay on campus and be treated to coffee, dessert and fellowship with other adults. All this is free of charge! All we ask is that parents fill out a registration form and sign up one week in advance to the next "Night Out!", so that we have enough workers.

Well... Friday, March 13th marks our first "Night Out!". It is more of a trial-run. I am getting very nervous. There is so much that still needs to be done. I need to just keep going and not allow Satan to destroy all of this by planting doubt in my head.

This morning I have parents to contact... I am personally inviting 5 families for our first event. We are asking them to try out the evening and then fill out an evaluation form (which my wonderful husband is making for me... he is so good at things like that). Then... if we have enough positive remarks, we will open it up to the public next month.

My plan for this blog is to keep an account of this wonderful and exciting adventure. I feel so honored and blessed at God put all of this on my heart

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